Oct 22, 2010
Last Day
Today is the last day of the SPSS training and I have every reasons to be happy. The only good thing about this training was the food...Happy Weekends folks
Oct 21, 2010
Day 4
Thimphu is incredibly getting cold and the rain particularly during such times is making my stay boring...ufffff
Oct 19, 2010
I will be out of my desk for about a week. In case of emergency, Please contact me at twangchen@rcbajo.gov.bt
Oct 12, 2010
Rice Blast
Back to Office Report of our tour to Hesokha, under Gase Tshowom
Submitted by: Sangay Wangdi
Farming Systems
Tshering Wangchen
Field Crops
Upon the submission of field inspection report on rice blast at Hesokha by the Gewog Extension Agent, a surveillance visit was carried out on the 6th of October 2010 in order to understand the ground reality and find solutions to the problem.
Complete field inspection was carried out to find out the problems. The day long tour covered all the areas that were reported to be infested by rice blast.
Sr No Person involved Sectors
1 Mr. Sangay Wangdi Farming Systems
2 Tshering Wangchen Field Crops
The problems of the reported locality were found to be severe and since the crops have already crossed dough stage and are almost ready to harvest. It is too late to act this year. The varieties under cultivation are as follows and the status of the disease is also given below.
Location Beneficiaries Area (Acres) Variety Years under cultivation Damage
Hesokha 8 50 Khangma Maap 11 heavy
Tongchekha 3 15 Khangma Maap 2 Not seen
Tonglopji 9 30 Toebikachum - Slight
Shatsokha 2 1.3 Selikachum 4 Heavy
Total 22 96.30
Table reference: AEO, Gasetshowom
Rice Blast
Rice blast is one of the most important diseases of rice and occurs in all the rice growing areas. Infection is more likely after long periods of rain or high humidity with little or no wind movements. And since Hesokha frequently receives heavy rain and remains moist most of the time and as far as our understanding goes, this year we received heavy rain which provided optimum conditions for disease development. Besides most of the fields are covered by dense vegetations which further ignites the mycelium.
The crop was too late for chemical control this year. As prophylaxis the farmers were advised to change their infected seeds in the coming season. The farmers demanded the seeds either from the Dzongkhag or the Research Centre to which we suggested community based seed production techniques. Since the fields were heavily infected, we also felt the need to change their seed and the lists of individual households in Hesokha are given below.
1. Yangka
2. Kinley Pem
3. Kinley Om (Chipon)
4. Phub Zam
5. Kinlay Dem
6. Sangchum
7. Jang Bhuthri
8. Chathem
9. Sutu
10. Sangay Dem
11. Khandu Om
12. Chimi
Although not promised we suggested that we can look for possibilities to supply them some seeds and then the community can multiply the seeds after that. The farmers were also told that training on seed treatment with expertise from Bajo will also be given but for that to happen; the extension agent must follow up time and again with the center. The farmers are even ready to buy the seeds from the government. We also requested the extension agent to give a copy of crop cut data.
And to see the adaptation of our varieties, the farmers were asked if they can provide us a terrace for us to see the adaptability of our varieties. Khangma Maap, a blast tolerant variety is still preferred by some farmers although there are lots of ambiguities among themselves, so a careful study will be carried out. The seed demand list is given above and we should see if we can supply them the seeds or not.
Submitted by: Sangay Wangdi
Farming Systems
Tshering Wangchen
Field Crops
Upon the submission of field inspection report on rice blast at Hesokha by the Gewog Extension Agent, a surveillance visit was carried out on the 6th of October 2010 in order to understand the ground reality and find solutions to the problem.
Complete field inspection was carried out to find out the problems. The day long tour covered all the areas that were reported to be infested by rice blast.
Sr No Person involved Sectors
1 Mr. Sangay Wangdi Farming Systems
2 Tshering Wangchen Field Crops
The problems of the reported locality were found to be severe and since the crops have already crossed dough stage and are almost ready to harvest. It is too late to act this year. The varieties under cultivation are as follows and the status of the disease is also given below.
Location Beneficiaries Area (Acres) Variety Years under cultivation Damage
Hesokha 8 50 Khangma Maap 11 heavy
Tongchekha 3 15 Khangma Maap 2 Not seen
Tonglopji 9 30 Toebikachum - Slight
Shatsokha 2 1.3 Selikachum 4 Heavy
Total 22 96.30
Table reference: AEO, Gasetshowom
Rice Blast
Rice blast is one of the most important diseases of rice and occurs in all the rice growing areas. Infection is more likely after long periods of rain or high humidity with little or no wind movements. And since Hesokha frequently receives heavy rain and remains moist most of the time and as far as our understanding goes, this year we received heavy rain which provided optimum conditions for disease development. Besides most of the fields are covered by dense vegetations which further ignites the mycelium.
The crop was too late for chemical control this year. As prophylaxis the farmers were advised to change their infected seeds in the coming season. The farmers demanded the seeds either from the Dzongkhag or the Research Centre to which we suggested community based seed production techniques. Since the fields were heavily infected, we also felt the need to change their seed and the lists of individual households in Hesokha are given below.
1. Yangka
2. Kinley Pem
3. Kinley Om (Chipon)
4. Phub Zam
5. Kinlay Dem
6. Sangchum
7. Jang Bhuthri
8. Chathem
9. Sutu
10. Sangay Dem
11. Khandu Om
12. Chimi
Although not promised we suggested that we can look for possibilities to supply them some seeds and then the community can multiply the seeds after that. The farmers were also told that training on seed treatment with expertise from Bajo will also be given but for that to happen; the extension agent must follow up time and again with the center. The farmers are even ready to buy the seeds from the government. We also requested the extension agent to give a copy of crop cut data.
And to see the adaptation of our varieties, the farmers were asked if they can provide us a terrace for us to see the adaptability of our varieties. Khangma Maap, a blast tolerant variety is still preferred by some farmers although there are lots of ambiguities among themselves, so a careful study will be carried out. The seed demand list is given above and we should see if we can supply them the seeds or not.
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11th October 2010
The 41st (2nd Quarterly for 2010-11) General Staff Meeting was held on the 9th of October 2010 in the conference hall.
Lists of Participants
1. Gyambo Tshering
2. Mahesh Ghimiray
3. Sangay Wangdi
4. Thinlay Gyamtsho
5. Dawa Zangpo
6. P B Gurung
7. Tshering Wangchen
8. Jimmy Dorji
9. Aita Kumar Bhujel
10. Dawa Delma
11. Yeshey
12. Legjay
13. Tenzin
14. Yeshey Dema
15. Kinga Lham
16. Dawa Drakpa
17. Yeshi Zangpo
18. Lhamo
19. Pema Lhamo
20. Bajo
21. Pema Lhamo
22. Deo Raj Pradhan
23. Pema Yuden
24. Passang Dorji
25. Sangay Gyaltshen
26. Indra Bdr Raika
27. Needup
28. Ugyen Trashi
Minutes of the Meeting
The review of the minutes of the last meeting deliberated on the action items as follows:
• The working dress and extension kit will be managed from other budget source
(Action: Mr Sangay Gyaltshen and Pulse Project)
• Our efforts to reduce the telephone bills to adjust the payment of the increased bandwidth seem to be doing quite well. A total reduction of about Nu 1000 was seen in the previous month. It would be nice if we can further reduce it
(Action: Pema Lhamo and all the staff)
• Office stationeries and supplies are cut down to 50 percent
• On the distribution of digital cameras to each sector, a USB cable for one camera is missing and it will be purchased. A new camera will be brought if the USB is not available from the market and will be distributed to the livestock sector.
• Staff training: Our Adm officer is undergoing a month long training at DTI and the nomination of three others has been approved. Further the training for three drivers also has been approved and will be trained subsequently
• Farmer’s extension training hall: It’s almost done but it is too early to reappropriate to buy the necessities in order to run the farmers hostel.
• Rice Commercialization and Annual Report for 2009-2010 will be available for publication next week
(Action: RRCO)
• Mr P P Nepal successfully entered our mid term review and annual report of three years at IMS for PLAMS. To make it easy for others to enter our progress and edit in future a need for training was felt by the floor and PLAMS training will be conducted here at the centre.
• A review on the weekly sector head meeting was also done. It is a participatory co management tool to ease better service delivery and make our system more transparent but a call for individual was found to be difficult. Feedbacks were seeked from the participants to which most of them said let it continue till further change in the management. The agenda to be discussed with all the sectors only to be included. The minutes of the meeting with will be stored in the PDF format in the server along with the name of the rapporteur.
(Action: Miss Pema Yuden)
• Resource inventories of the centre consisting for all the assets, a 25 page document is ready and will be available on the server once it is finalized. Mr Sangay Wangdi will be the stock verification officer.
(Action: Mr Sangay Wangdi)
• Since there were lots of contributions mostly consisting of semso, the resolutions of the 36th General Staff meeting was read out. The bylaws of the 36th General Staff meeting will be retained as such. Also a need to standardize farewell for ESP was felt. It was decided that the labour committee will put forward their proposal in one of the weekly meetings.
(Action: Labour Committee)
• Promotion: Regular and rejected promotion will be processed separately.
• National Seed Testing Laboratory: Since we are told to operate the lab with our existing staff following staff have been identified.
Yeshey Dema for field crops
Tshering Yangdon for Horticulture but hands on training will be provided to the following staff as well.
Jimmy Dorji, Yograj, Kinga Lham, Lhab Gyem, Yeshey Zangpo, Aita
• Follow up on the RDC Bajo wall
(Action: Mr Thinlay Gyamtsho)
• Management to follow up on the approach road.
• Documentation of semso nominees and ledger and cashbook will be provided to the welfare secretary.
(Action: Welfare Committee)
The normal entitlement for all the staff will be given but there should be a good progress made in the field. An alternate potter pony will be given in the subsequent tours to abide by the rules.
A detailed status of the budget of the centre was presented by the accountant including the left over balance as of 8th October. The only concern was the budget of TA/DA of Tsirang and told them to work accordingly. Proposals were requested for the purchase of seed and seedlings especially for mustard.
(Action: Staff of Tsirang and Field Crops Sector)
The overall statement of BWFS was presented and loan recoveries from certain individuals were made because of certain misunderstanding on the disbursement of loan without complete repayment.
A proposal to help students from unprivileged was also put up. Welfare committee was asked to sit together and come up with a proposal.
(Action: BWFS Committee)
This was just to remind our staff wether our works are in progress with our work plan or not
The harvest committee felt for a proper documentation of the overall harvests for transparency. Regarding the horticulture product which was seen as a main issue, it is supplied to the Royal via department but ensured documentation in future.
(Action: Harvest Committee)
Miss Yeshey Dema will take the charge from Mr Passang Dorji in the next quarter.
(Action: Miss Yeshey Dema)
Lighting was felt important for the over all security of our centre and its activities. Mr Thinlay Gyamtsho and Mr Indra Bdr Raika will access the lighting system
(Action: Thinlay Gyamtsho and Mr Indra Bdr Raika)
While some of the discussion felt pertinent by the members were also discussed which earlier were not stated in the agenda.
• ESP Colony: It was seen that some of our retired ESP staff are still residing in our colony. Retired personals Mrs Tshering Lham, Mr Dhan Bdr and Mr Gurulla have to leave before December. Till then they are allowed to stay to clear inconveniences for them and their kids
• ESP Members: A lot was discussed on the work performance of our labours. They tend not to follow the proper office timing and take a lot of unnecessary leave. Only genuine leaves will be entertained here after. They are asked to follow strict timings. A detailed report of the performance was read.
Top 5
1. Mr Tenzin Dorji 896.3 points
2. Mrs Nima mo 865.3 points
3. Mr Durga Ghalley 785.7 points
4. Mr Tenpa 780.60 points
5. Jambay Dorji 775 points
While the top four might be sent for a tour along with normal TA/DA as a part of incentive the members occupying the bottom will be asked to improve.
Mr T M Rai
Mrs Migma Dukpa will have to improve their work
(Action: Labour Incharge, Labour Committee and management to look after the labour for seriousness)
• CGI Distribution: Since there are more application, the tender committee will decide
(Action: Tender Committee)
• Water Servicing: The centre will do the servicing but the contractor will have to bear the cost. Management will write a letter to the contractor soon.
(Action: Tender Committee)
Offtg Program Director Rapporteur
Tshering Wangchen
Click here to enter a date.
11th October 2010
The 41st (2nd Quarterly for 2010-11) General Staff Meeting was held on the 9th of October 2010 in the conference hall.
Lists of Participants
1. Gyambo Tshering
2. Mahesh Ghimiray
3. Sangay Wangdi
4. Thinlay Gyamtsho
5. Dawa Zangpo
6. P B Gurung
7. Tshering Wangchen
8. Jimmy Dorji
9. Aita Kumar Bhujel
10. Dawa Delma
11. Yeshey
12. Legjay
13. Tenzin
14. Yeshey Dema
15. Kinga Lham
16. Dawa Drakpa
17. Yeshi Zangpo
18. Lhamo
19. Pema Lhamo
20. Bajo
21. Pema Lhamo
22. Deo Raj Pradhan
23. Pema Yuden
24. Passang Dorji
25. Sangay Gyaltshen
26. Indra Bdr Raika
27. Needup
28. Ugyen Trashi
Minutes of the Meeting
The review of the minutes of the last meeting deliberated on the action items as follows:
• The working dress and extension kit will be managed from other budget source
(Action: Mr Sangay Gyaltshen and Pulse Project)
• Our efforts to reduce the telephone bills to adjust the payment of the increased bandwidth seem to be doing quite well. A total reduction of about Nu 1000 was seen in the previous month. It would be nice if we can further reduce it
(Action: Pema Lhamo and all the staff)
• Office stationeries and supplies are cut down to 50 percent
• On the distribution of digital cameras to each sector, a USB cable for one camera is missing and it will be purchased. A new camera will be brought if the USB is not available from the market and will be distributed to the livestock sector.
• Staff training: Our Adm officer is undergoing a month long training at DTI and the nomination of three others has been approved. Further the training for three drivers also has been approved and will be trained subsequently
• Farmer’s extension training hall: It’s almost done but it is too early to reappropriate to buy the necessities in order to run the farmers hostel.
• Rice Commercialization and Annual Report for 2009-2010 will be available for publication next week
(Action: RRCO)
• Mr P P Nepal successfully entered our mid term review and annual report of three years at IMS for PLAMS. To make it easy for others to enter our progress and edit in future a need for training was felt by the floor and PLAMS training will be conducted here at the centre.
• A review on the weekly sector head meeting was also done. It is a participatory co management tool to ease better service delivery and make our system more transparent but a call for individual was found to be difficult. Feedbacks were seeked from the participants to which most of them said let it continue till further change in the management. The agenda to be discussed with all the sectors only to be included. The minutes of the meeting with will be stored in the PDF format in the server along with the name of the rapporteur.
(Action: Miss Pema Yuden)
• Resource inventories of the centre consisting for all the assets, a 25 page document is ready and will be available on the server once it is finalized. Mr Sangay Wangdi will be the stock verification officer.
(Action: Mr Sangay Wangdi)
• Since there were lots of contributions mostly consisting of semso, the resolutions of the 36th General Staff meeting was read out. The bylaws of the 36th General Staff meeting will be retained as such. Also a need to standardize farewell for ESP was felt. It was decided that the labour committee will put forward their proposal in one of the weekly meetings.
(Action: Labour Committee)
• Promotion: Regular and rejected promotion will be processed separately.
• National Seed Testing Laboratory: Since we are told to operate the lab with our existing staff following staff have been identified.
Yeshey Dema for field crops
Tshering Yangdon for Horticulture but hands on training will be provided to the following staff as well.
Jimmy Dorji, Yograj, Kinga Lham, Lhab Gyem, Yeshey Zangpo, Aita
• Follow up on the RDC Bajo wall
(Action: Mr Thinlay Gyamtsho)
• Management to follow up on the approach road.
• Documentation of semso nominees and ledger and cashbook will be provided to the welfare secretary.
(Action: Welfare Committee)
The normal entitlement for all the staff will be given but there should be a good progress made in the field. An alternate potter pony will be given in the subsequent tours to abide by the rules.
A detailed status of the budget of the centre was presented by the accountant including the left over balance as of 8th October. The only concern was the budget of TA/DA of Tsirang and told them to work accordingly. Proposals were requested for the purchase of seed and seedlings especially for mustard.
(Action: Staff of Tsirang and Field Crops Sector)
The overall statement of BWFS was presented and loan recoveries from certain individuals were made because of certain misunderstanding on the disbursement of loan without complete repayment.
A proposal to help students from unprivileged was also put up. Welfare committee was asked to sit together and come up with a proposal.
(Action: BWFS Committee)
This was just to remind our staff wether our works are in progress with our work plan or not
The harvest committee felt for a proper documentation of the overall harvests for transparency. Regarding the horticulture product which was seen as a main issue, it is supplied to the Royal via department but ensured documentation in future.
(Action: Harvest Committee)
Miss Yeshey Dema will take the charge from Mr Passang Dorji in the next quarter.
(Action: Miss Yeshey Dema)
Lighting was felt important for the over all security of our centre and its activities. Mr Thinlay Gyamtsho and Mr Indra Bdr Raika will access the lighting system
(Action: Thinlay Gyamtsho and Mr Indra Bdr Raika)
While some of the discussion felt pertinent by the members were also discussed which earlier were not stated in the agenda.
• ESP Colony: It was seen that some of our retired ESP staff are still residing in our colony. Retired personals Mrs Tshering Lham, Mr Dhan Bdr and Mr Gurulla have to leave before December. Till then they are allowed to stay to clear inconveniences for them and their kids
• ESP Members: A lot was discussed on the work performance of our labours. They tend not to follow the proper office timing and take a lot of unnecessary leave. Only genuine leaves will be entertained here after. They are asked to follow strict timings. A detailed report of the performance was read.
Top 5
1. Mr Tenzin Dorji 896.3 points
2. Mrs Nima mo 865.3 points
3. Mr Durga Ghalley 785.7 points
4. Mr Tenpa 780.60 points
5. Jambay Dorji 775 points
While the top four might be sent for a tour along with normal TA/DA as a part of incentive the members occupying the bottom will be asked to improve.
Mr T M Rai
Mrs Migma Dukpa will have to improve their work
(Action: Labour Incharge, Labour Committee and management to look after the labour for seriousness)
• CGI Distribution: Since there are more application, the tender committee will decide
(Action: Tender Committee)
• Water Servicing: The centre will do the servicing but the contractor will have to bear the cost. Management will write a letter to the contractor soon.
(Action: Tender Committee)
Offtg Program Director Rapporteur
Tshering Wangchen
Oct 7, 2010
Management of BWFS, a welfare fund of our small organization is not allowing me to concentrate fully on my real work. My monitoring of the field crops activities in Phangyul has been delayed. And the risk involved in BWFS is monetary i tend to concentrate more on it and its service which is not a good thing in principle but practical i guess. Anyways looking forward for another two three months of my probation.
Best Wishes
Best Wishes
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